ECCSS Adjusts State Testing Schedule to Provide Additional Days of Instruction

Evans County Charter School System (ECCSS) has successfully added days of instruction prior to state testing for its students in third through twelfth grades after the state approved its request to push back scheduled dates to administer the Georgia Milestones tests. Students in third through eighth grade will gain 10 days of instruction; students taking high school courses will gain five days of instruction. 

This year the school district was forced to close for 15 days due to weather events. Making this testing schedule adjustment will allow teachers and students more time to  prepare for the state’s required tests. Please see the adjusted testing windows in the first table below. Schools will provide additional assessment information prior to GMAS.

Click the link below to see the updated spring assessment schedule, links to assessment resources, and contact info if you have questions or need additional information!

UPDATED 24-25 Spring Assessment Schedule