Welcome to Evans County IEP Team Meeting Facilitation

Evans County Charter School System is proud to announce its partnership with Georgia Department of Education. We are one of nineteen school systems opting into this program.  FIEP is an optional collaborative dispute prevention and resolution process agreed upon by the parent and the Evans County Charter School System.  A facilitated IEP Team meeting is the same as any other IEP Team meeting with the exception that a facilitator joins the meeting.  The IEP facilitator is a neutral third party that helps with communication and problem solving during an IEP Team meeting.  The facilitator will keep the IEP Team focused on the student and development of the IEP, and does not make decisions about the student’s IEP. 

fiep parent guide

FIEP Parent Guide


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request FIEP

To request a Facilitated IEP: Click here

Tracey Bardak
Director of Special Education
705 West Main Street
Claxton, Georgia 30417
Phone: 912.739.3544
Fax: 912.428.8707
Email: tbardak@evanscountyschools.org