Hospital Homebound Services (HHB)
Any Evans County student with a diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition, which restricts him or her to the home or hospital, may be eligible for Hospital Homebound Services.
HHB services are not intended to supplant regular school services and are by design temporary. The student must anticipate being absent from school for a minimum of ten consecutive or intermittent school days due to a medical or psychiatric condition. The student’s inability to attend school for medical or psychiatric reasons must be certified by the licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist who is currently treating the student for the diagnosis presented.
The hospital/homebound referral form must be completed in its entirety and returned to the school counselor. This includes the medical certification section of the form, which is completed by the student’s doctor. Once completed, District HHB Coordinator will review the packet to determine if additional information is needed. If the student is eligible, services may begin immediately.
To access the hospital/homebound referral form please click here › HHB Form
For more information, please contact your child’s school counselor.
Tracey Bardak
Director of Special Education
705 West Main Street
Claxton, Georgia 30417
Phone: 912.739.3544
Fax: 912.428.8707