After four years of leading the Tigers, Tony Welch is leaving Claxton, a Class A public school football program that he led to the state playoffs the last three years. Before returning to his hometown of Claxton, Welch was the head football coach at Savannah High and Memorial Day School leading both programs to the state playoffs. Welch’s record at his alma mater was 20-23 (.465%) with the Tigers making the playoffs three years in a row. Under Welch’s leadership, ten players have signed letters of intent to play football at the next level.According to Claxton athletic director Mark Stroud, “In four years Coach Welch has brought Claxton football to a new level and we appreciate everything he has done and wish him the best of luck with his new adventure”. The process for selecting a new head coach will begin immediately. "Building on the firm foundation established by Coach Welch, the district will be seeking a candidate who is experienced, attuned to community, and seeking to build character as much as a winning record."
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Coach Tony Welch
Students in Mrs. Baldwin's 10th grade Advanced World Lit class finished reading Anthem by Ayn Rand. Students then picked favorite quotes about individualism and decorated the sidewalk with the quotes.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
picture of quote
picture of quote on sidewalk
picture of quote written on sidewalk
Weekly COVID-19 update March 22-26, 2021
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Covid 19 chart
Covid 19 Spreadsheet
Interested in Dual Enrollment?
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Dual Enrollment page 1
Dual Enrollment page 2
Students in 8th-12th grade participated in First District Career Discovery Days. It was an amazing opportunity for them to hear about post-secondary opportunities in our region. They asked lots of great questions of the panelists.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
picture of career fair (virtual)
On Monday, March 22, 2021 State School Superintendent Richard Woods visited Claxton Elementary School and the site of the new Claxton High School. His staff scheduled the visit back in January. Superintendent Woods has made deliberate efforts to connect with school districts, especially in rural areas. Members of the Board of Education, Dr. Waters - ECSS Superintendent, District Administrators, Dr. Costlow - CES Principals, and several CES staff members greeted Superintendent Woods. After a few opening comments, Mr. Woods toured the newly renovated CES and visited several classrooms to observe instruction, the new STEM Collaboratory and academic interventions. Superintendent Woods presented all 4th grade students with a signed copy of a book containing the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge to the American Flag, the Star Spangled Banner, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech. His visit to the new high school included an overview of the project, an explanation of the new Evans Region College and Career Academy and conversations about connecting education and workforce development during a walking tour of the new facility which is scheduled to open in July. He concluded his visit with commendations to the Board of Education and District Leadership for establishing a strong vision and strategic plan for the district. In addition, Superintendent Woods expressed his appreciation for the hard work of all teachers, support staff, and school administrators for the commitment during the Covid pandemic. He reassured all that he and his staff would maintain an open door and servant attitude in supporting public education. Dr. Waters presented Mr. Woods with a basket of local products provided by Director Tammi Hall of the Claxton-Evans Chamber of Commerce.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
picture of superintendent Woods visiting a classroom
picture of superintendent Waters presenting basket to superintendent Woods
picture of superintendent Woods speaking to administrative team
picture of Superintendent Woods with Evans County School System board members and administrative team
If attending the Varsity soccer game at Portal tonight, you must purchase tickets through GO Fan. Also home baseball game tonight at 6:00.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
We are so happy to have Ms. Megan Powell, 4-H Extension Agent, working with students of Evans County School System. Linked you will find information on how your child can join 4-H and what there is to do as a member.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Picture of information on 4-H and how to join.
Picture of what you can do in 4-H
March 15-19, 2021 COVID-19 Update
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update
CHS Seniors Raven Carpenter and Tony Hernandez and their art pieces that will be entered into the Georgia Southern University College of Education's 15th Annual Art Extravaganza. The event is held to spotlight artwork of exceptional art students in the University's region. This is a College of Education and P-12 Partnership event. More information on how to view their pieces on display in the exhibit will be forthcoming.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
HS Seniors Raven Carpenter and Tony Hernandez and their art pieces that will be entered into the Georgia Southern University College of Education's 15th Annual Art Extravaganza. The event is held to spotlight artwork of exceptional art students in the University's region. This is a College of Education and P-12 Partnership event
Due to the weather predictions of a widespread/substantial severe weather event with the potential of producing damaging winds, hail, and several tornadoes, the Evans County School System will be closed on Thursday, March 18, 2021. All activities, including extra-curricular, are canceled. Normal operations will resume on Friday, March 19, 2021. May 27, 2021 will be designated as an instructional makeup day for all students and staff.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
"I think I might want to draw again" and lots of laughter could be heard during Mrs. Durrence's second period Multicultural Literature class today. Raven Carpenter, who plans to pursue an art degree at Georgia Southern University, researched how to teach others to draw a horse. After careful study, she put together a tutorial video and shared it with the class. The results were a good time and some pretty fantastic drawings!
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Stages of drawing a horse
Drawing  a horse
Picture of drawing a horse
How to draw a horse.  Stages
Job Listings: Food Service Workers, Principal, Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Bus Drivers, and Hearing Impaired Interpreter @EvansSchools #EvansCountyTigers #TigerPride
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Are you awesome? We are Hiring!
Angela Todd from Farm Bureau presented several CHS students with awards for their art work entered into the Farm Bureau art contest. Pictured with CHS Art teacher Robin Smith (left) and Angela Todd (right) are students Lindsey Hunter, Lena Mincey, and Fabio Urbano. Not pictured are local winners Riley Mercer (1st place winner) and Maribel Morales (2nd place winner). The first and second place local winners will go on to district level and possibly further. Black and white drawings from the competition are used for the yearly Farm Bureau calendar.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Pictured with CHS Art teacher Robin Smith (left) and Angela Todd (right) are students Lindsey Hunter, Lena Mincey, and Fabio Urbano
The Migrant Education Program Parent Advisory Council (PAC) met Tuesday, March 9th in the Claxton Middle School media center. Claxton Middle School Counselor Katrina Rushing provided parents with information about the district's social emotional learning program 7 Mindsets. 7 Mindsets helps students develop responsible decision making and relationships. Pictured are Migrant PAC members Virginia Montoya, Celia Gonzalez, and CMS Counselor Katrina Rushing.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Migrant Education Program (PAC)
The Evans County School System Family extends a huge thank you our local health care providers for their support. The district hosted a vaccination clinic on Friday, March 12th. Evans Memorial Hospital, East Georgia Heathcare Center, and Southern Family Medicine provided 90 vaccines to school district employees. A second dose will be administered on April 16th. "It was an overwhelming feeling to see our employees' excitement and relief when they received their dose. We are blessed to live and work in such a collaborative and caring community." Dr. Waters @EvansSchools #EvansCountyTigers
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Vaccination #1
Rolling sleeve up for vaccination
heroes on the frontline
COVID Update Week of March 8, 2021 @EvansSchools #EvansCountyTigers
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Week of March 8 COVID Update
Daily COVID Data Chart
6th grade science students are being watched carefully today as their class pet is helping Mr. Strickland teach class.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
Andrew and Ziggy
Andrew and Ziggy
Andrew and Ziggy
Mark and Victoria Shuman visited Holly Durrence's Multicultural Literature classes today. Mr. Shuman provided the students terrific tips about speaking effectively in front of others. Many of these tips, while they applied to public speaking, were wonderful words of advice for living a successful life.
almost 4 years ago, Evans County School System
literature class guest speaker
Literature class guest speaker
School Breakfast Helps Kids
almost 4 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
School Breakfast Flyer