Georgia's Home and Community-Based Waivers (NOW/COMP)

The STEM Challenge at CES in now on! Complete one or all of the challenges and reply to the KiNVO message that is sent out today with a photo of your PreK-5th grade child completing a challenge. You can also email pictures to your child's teacher. shorturl.at/doBCJ

Students of all ages enjoyed an Easter treat today. Thanks to the School Nutrition Staff for loving our kids and doing special things for them. #EvansSchools

We were proud to deliver our bonus checks today with the following message:
"On behalf of Governor Kemp, State School Superintendent Woods, the Evans County Board of Education, and a grateful community, we present these bonus checks as a small token of our appreciation, dedication, and commitment to providing a quality education during a global pandemic. You are all heroes!"
Our sincerest thanks goes out to Governor Kemp and the Georgia General Assembly for validating the hard work of some of Georgia's finest citizens. We will be on spring break next week, so I know the funds will go to great use!!

Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic- Claxton High School
April 15, 2021 from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Sponsored by EMH
Open to any students 16 years or older as well as parents (students under the age of 18 will need parental consent).

Breakfast Menu https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cVAKBYqW6s0Bhh-VgRukutd0qoDr11QK/view?usp=sharing
Lunch Menu https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AftUswQAJUFVmU9Lkop4iVPZxbBWyRLu/view?usp=sharing

Our fifth grade students have been working hard to get their STEM Garden ready for planting. We couldn’t have made this garden possible without the generosity from one of our local businesses, a community member, and employees in our district. Farm Bureau donated the materials used by Bradley Hall’s students to build planter beds. Michael LaSala provided our topsoil. ECSS Instructional Coach Samantha Keyfauver was a key person in making our garden a reality. The fifth grade class is grateful for this opportunity and we are excited to see our garden flourish.

Mark your calendar for Virtual STEM Night April 22, 2021. More information will be provided about home STEM challenges, class activities, and Virtual STEM Night.

Congratulations to the following students who placed in the FDRESA Young Georgia Authors (YGA) Writing Competition. These students competed against all grade-level winners from 17 different counties and even more schools from our RESA region!
We have THREE grade-level WINNERS and THREE Runners-Up from Evans County Schools! Yay, ECSS!!! Woot! Woot!
Congratulations to all of our top finishing young authors and to our awesome ELA teachers and teams for inspiring and supporting excellent writing in ECSS!
The winning entry for each grade level (Chanel Hunt, Susana Figueroa Arguello, and Brianna Haire) will advance to the state round of the competition!

CHS students Navaeh Byrd and Domanae Wharton are state finalists for the FBLA State Leadership Conference in the area of Broadcast Journalism.

Congratulations to Stephan Bellamy! He won first place in this year's Rotary Speech Competition. In addition to the $200 prize check, Stephan will have the opportunity to present his speech via Zoom at the district level competition. CHS is proud of Stephan!

After four years of leading the Tigers, Tony Welch is leaving Claxton, a Class A public school football program that he led to the state playoffs the last three years. Before returning to his hometown of Claxton, Welch was the head football coach at Savannah High and Memorial Day School leading both programs to the state playoffs. Welch’s record at his alma mater was 20-23 (.465%) with the Tigers making the playoffs three years in a row. Under Welch’s leadership, ten players have signed letters of intent to play football at the next level.According to Claxton athletic director Mark Stroud, “In four years Coach Welch has brought Claxton football to a new level and we appreciate everything he has done and wish him the best of luck with his new adventure”. The process for selecting a new head coach will begin immediately. "Building on the firm foundation established by Coach Welch, the district will be seeking a candidate who is experienced, attuned to community, and seeking to build character as much as a winning record."

Students in Mrs. Baldwin's 10th grade Advanced World Lit class finished reading Anthem by Ayn Rand. Students then picked favorite quotes about individualism and decorated the sidewalk with the quotes.

Weekly COVID-19 update March 22-26, 2021

Interested in Dual Enrollment?

Students in 8th-12th grade participated in First District Career Discovery Days. It was an amazing opportunity for them to hear about post-secondary opportunities in our region. They asked lots of great questions of the panelists.

On Monday, March 22, 2021 State School Superintendent Richard Woods visited Claxton Elementary School and the site of the new Claxton High School. His staff scheduled the visit back in January. Superintendent Woods has made deliberate efforts to connect with school districts, especially in rural areas. Members of the Board of Education, Dr. Waters - ECSS Superintendent, District Administrators, Dr. Costlow - CES Principals, and several CES staff members greeted Superintendent Woods. After a few opening comments, Mr. Woods toured the newly renovated CES and visited several classrooms to observe instruction, the new STEM Collaboratory and academic interventions. Superintendent Woods presented all 4th grade students with a signed copy of a book containing the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge to the American Flag, the Star Spangled Banner, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech.
His visit to the new high school included an overview of the project, an explanation of the new Evans Region College and Career Academy and conversations about connecting education and workforce development during a walking tour of the new facility which is scheduled to open in July. He concluded his visit with commendations to the Board of Education and District Leadership for establishing a strong vision and strategic plan for the district. In addition, Superintendent Woods expressed his appreciation for the hard work of all teachers, support staff, and school administrators for the commitment during the Covid pandemic. He reassured all that he and his staff would maintain an open door and servant attitude in supporting public education.
Dr. Waters presented Mr. Woods with a basket of local products provided by Director Tammi Hall of the Claxton-Evans Chamber of Commerce.

If attending the Varsity soccer game at Portal tonight, you must purchase tickets through GO Fan.
Also home baseball game tonight at 6:00.

We are so happy to have Ms. Megan Powell, 4-H Extension Agent, working with students of Evans County School System. Linked you will find information on how your child can join 4-H and what there is to do as a member. shorturl.at/cCDZ7