7 Mindsets focus this week is "Treasure Yourself." We are all amazing in our ways! You may be a great dancer, a good listener, a talented musician, or an all-star athlete. Instead of focusing on the things you don’t like about yourself, think about all the talents and wonderful traits that make you great! #7Mindsets
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
treasure yourself
ATTENTION 7TH AND 8TH grade 4Hers...It's time to start planning for summer camp. Junior camp details are in the attached flyers...
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Junior 4-H camp
Junior 4-H camp
Junior 4-H camp
Junior 4-H camp
ATTENTION 5TH AND 6TH GRADE 4Hers! It's time to start planning for summer camp! Cloverleaf camp details are outlined in the attached flyers...
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Cloverleaf Camp
Cloverleaf Camp
Cloverleaf Camp
Cloverleaf Camp
This week is National School Counseling Week, and we would like to recognize our ECCSS School Counselors: Ms. Tasha Grantham, Ms. April Smith, Ms. Lelia Stephens, Ms. Sabrina Mincey, Ms. Katrina Rushing, and Ms. Tina Durrence. Our counselors are important resources for our students and staff! All of our counselors work hard to support our students, and we are thankful for the tremendous impact they have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career! Please help ECCSS show some Tiger appreciation for our counselors! Drop some black and gold 💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤to show how grateful we are for our school counselors! #HelpingStudentsDreamBig #NSCW23
about 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National School Counseling Week Graphic
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
House Colors
Check out this beautiful dish! Olivia Mejia competed today in Camden County in the FCCLA Culinary Competition. The results will be released Tuesday. Olivia, a Junior at Claxton High School, is a second year Culinary Arts student and participant in the Culinary Production Class. She also works as a chef-in-training at North Springs and The Griffin House. Last year Olivia and her culinary teammates took first place in the Region Pastry and Baking Competition. Olivia, keep up the outstanding work! We can’t wait until Tuesday! #TheDEN
about 2 years ago, The Den at Claxton High School
Olivia with her dish
Students in Mrs. Smith's 8th grade math classes are using their knowledge of identifying functions by using function rules and the vertical line test to sort twenty data sets presented in tables, graphs, lists of coordinate pairs, and circle charts. #4Cs #ProjectBasedLearning
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Vertical Line Test
Vertical Line Test
Vertical Line Test
Ms. Fallin and Mrs. Fennell’s class have been learning about standard RI 5, various text features in nonfiction texts. Students selected a nonfiction text and completed an activity on their chromebooks. They took pictures of the table of contents, headings, and the glossary and discussed why we use these text features. #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
about 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of student s sharing their work
image of student s sharing their work
image of student s sharing their work
image of student s sharing their work
Julie Howard, Paige Nobles, Jill Lyons, Brittany Hutcheson, Lisa Daniel, and Melissa Sapp from CES recently attended LitCon ‘23, a National K-8 Literacy Conference. They got to meet and are pictured with Jan Richardson, author of the Next Step Forward in Guided Reading: An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every Reader. She has also co-authored the Literacy Footprints Guided Reading System with Michele Dufresne (also pictured).
about 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of teachers
image of teachers
Can you communicate with others without speaking? Students in Mrs. Smith's 7th grade career class are learning how to do just that. The students played a game in which they were divided into groups (note the colored dots on their heads). One person from each group had to leave the room while the others chose an object that they wanted the one student to identify. The student who was sent out had to identify the object, but the only help they received was applause (quiet or loud, depending on how close they got to the object). The students had a great time, and it forced them to communicate without talking, all while depending on their team to help them out. #4Cs
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
These students from Mrs. Daniel's second block (Mrs. Whitfield's homeroom) met or exceeded there ISIP goal. They are ISIP Superstars! #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
about 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of student superstars
image of student superstars
ECCSS Regular Board Meeting Monday, February 6, 2023 6:00pm BOE Board Room
about 2 years ago, Evans County School System
Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Congratulations to students in Mrs. Whitfield and Mrs. Bacon's first-grade class for completing a learning path on Happy Numbers! Way to go! #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
about 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of students with certificates
image of students with certificates
Mrs. Mathis's class used technology to become an apprentice for the Mini-Garden Company. Through this apprenticeship they were able to use their knowledge of area and perimeter to help design gardens for the new Mini-Garden Magazine. This experience showed students how area and perimeter can be used in the real world. #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
about 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of student designing gardens
image of student designing gardens
Coach Lanier's ELA/World History students began teachng their lessons on topics related to World War I. They are responsible for delivering the content, as well as providing activities and note taking guides. #4Cs #CriticalThinking #Creativity #Collaboration #Communication
about 2 years ago, Claxton High School
Note taking
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Tiger Pride
What would your slogan be to make the world a better place? Mrs. Myers and our CMS 6th graders are working on public service announcements to help save the environment! Check out their PSA productions in process below! #ProjectBasedLearning #4Cs
about 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Let's hear it for Marie Locke, CHS Class of 2021! In January, Marie was asked to be the closing speaker at the ASPIRE Best Practices Forum for educators in Hinesville. Through ASPIRE, students are encouraged to build self-determination skills that support a successful transition to life after high school. Marie rocked out her speech, and you can see Marie in action in the pics below! #TigersRising #WeLoveOurTigers #OnceATigerAlwaysATiger
about 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Photo Collage of Alum
Congratulations to Junior Rolando Esteban-Pascual! Today he officially joined the pre-apprenticeship program offered by Ogeechee Technical College, Claxton Poultry, and The DEN at Claxton High School. Rolando is pursuing welding credentials at Ogeechee Technical College while earning on the job training at Claxton Poultry. Throughout the two-year program, Rodney Day will serve as Rolando's mentor. Thank you to our community, business, and post-secondary partners for supporting our students!
about 2 years ago, The Den at Claxton High School
Rolando's signing
During our strategic planning discussions on academic services/student achievement, CMS Media Specialist, Ginger Durrence, incorporated some Ron Clark Academy techniques while sharing out for her group…standing and getting everyone’s attention! Way to go Mrs. Durrence!
about 2 years ago, Tanita McDowell
CMS Strategic Planning
CMS Strategic Planning