There will be NO JV BOYS Basketball practice on today, Wednesday, 11/16/22. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Floyd (jfloyd@evanscountyschools.org).

Mrs. Flournoy’s Kindergarten class is talking about 3D shapes this week. We made a 3D cube out of marshmallows. #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily

Mrs. Liberatore’s class spent the past three weeks collaborating, communicating, and creating ways to survive fast changes on Earth. Their survival kits contain items they created to help them survive these changes. #cmstigers #4Cs #projectbasedlearning

The CMS Lady Tiger tennis team won against #1 seed South Tattnall on Tuesday with a 3-2 score. They will play for the League Championship against Screven County today, Wednesday (11/16/22), at Screven County High School. We are so proud of this accomplishment! Good luck, ladies!!

7th graders in Mrs. Brown's science classes have been studying genetics. To practice what they've learned, they had to follow a strict set of directions to draw a "baby." Students had a great time, and they learned how genes are passed from parents to children. #cmstigers #4Cs #projectbasedlearning

What happens when teachers work together to dig into data, plan action steps, and implement their plans? GREAT things happen!
Please help us give a shout-out to Mr. Brown, Mr. Floyd, and Ms. McNeal, teachers at The Academy, for collaborating to help our students succeed!

Mrs. Cere's Kindergarten class using frog on the log for addition and subtraction. #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily

Check out these math-magicians in Ms. Selph's Pre-Cal and Mrs. Watkins's Advanced Algebra classes!
These students participated in a Socratic Seminar on Friday. Students applied their knowledge about the characteristics of polynomial functions to make predictions and graph radical and rational functions.

Progress reports went home yesterday. Please sign your child's progress report and return to your child's 1st period teacher.

Congratulations to students in Mrs. Whitfield's class for completing their current learning path on Happy Numbers! Both students received a coupon for a free cone from Dairy Queen. They will also start a new learning path! Way to go! #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily

6th graders in Mr. Carruth's social studies classes had fun reviewing for their upcoming test! They played kickball. Any student who got out was allowed to answer a review question to stay in the game. #cmstigers

The Miss Claxton Middle School and Miss Claxton High School pageants will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the CHS cafetorium.
This year's theme "All American Glam" will be a patriotic tribute featuring our reigning Miss CHS 2022, Mollie Lane, and Miss CMS 2022, Kamryn Carter.
Information packets can be picked up in the school's front office, and the entry deadline will be Friday, January 6, 2023. There will also be a Mr. CHS and Mr. CMS competition and more information will be forthcoming. If you have any questions, you may contact Kiley Hall by email at khall@evanscountyschools.org.

CMS 6th graders recently visited JA BizTown at the Georgia Southern University Savannah Campus. JA BizTown combines in-class learning (before the field trip) with a day-long visit to a simulated town. This popular learning experience allows students to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. Students are able to make connections between what they learn in school and the real world. #cmstigers #projectbasedlearning #4Cs

Last week CEO Holly Durrence and colleagues from Calhoun City Schools and Gordon County Schools presented at the Georgia Council for Career and Technical Administrators Summit. These leaders shared ideas for making college and career education a priority from start to finish.
#TheDen #collegeandcareerready

Did you know that chicken is the number one source of protein consumed by humans? Did you know that Georgia is one of the top four poultry producing states?
Students in Basic Ag learned this information and more when experts from Claxton Poultry shared about the poultry industry. Thank you to Mr. Steve Snyder and Mr. Eric Greene for spending time with us today!
#TheDen #weloveourcommunity

Don't forget! CHS Make Up Pictures for Underclassmen who missed the initial Picture Day need to plan to have their pictures taken on Tuesday, November 15.

CMS STEM students enjoyed learning about structures: tension and compression forces and the different types of bridges that we use everyday. Students also built a bridge or designed a Google presentation on a type of bridge. They presented their final products to the class and communicated to their classmates the features of their bridge. #cmstigers #projectbasedlearning #4Cs

Teachers received Project Based Learning training from Molly Bestge Cultivate 21 CEO. This professional learning opportunity is the result of a $20,000 grant received by Claxton Middle School. Teachers were able to experience a PBL lesson as a participant/student. They played the role of members on an innovation team. Their task was to compete in an idea festival competition. They were challenged to make an existing idea better through iteration, ideation, and redesign. After this experience, teachers created a PBL unit to implement in their classrooms. We appreciate our educators investing in this opportunity, and we are excited about what your learning will bring to our ECCSS students, staff, and community! Participants in the training were Kelsey Stephens (CMS), Shannon Yurek (CMS), Phillip Sapp (CMS), Betty Smith (CMS), Stephanie Myers (CMS), Megan Liberatore (CMS), Jennifer Price (CMS), Lindsay Minis (CES), Ellen Brown (CMS), Kelly LaSala (CES), and Samantha Keyfauver (ECCSS)

CMS students who received an invitation for Academia Night will be admitted free to the CMS basketball game on Thursday, November 17th, in the CMS gym, at 5:00. Students will need to let Coach Toothman or Coach Lanier know if they will be here, and their name will be added to a list to allow them in free. Students who received an invitation will be recognized during halftime of the boys' game.

Class of 2023 members and their parents,
Herff Jones will be at CHS during lunch on Tuesday, November 15 to assist with cap and gown orders.