CMS Basketball Grandparent's Day will be next Saturday, October 29th. Please see attached flyer for information. #cmstigerbasketball
over 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Grandparent's Day
Allied Healthcare students are focusing on using proper body mechanics to transfer clients from bed to wheelchair. Body mechanics involves moving one's body in a way to prevent injury, avoid fatigue, and make the best use of strength. #TheDen #realworld
over 2 years ago, The Den at Claxton High School
students using body mechanics to move patient
students using body mechanics to move patient
students using body mechanics to move patient
students using body mechanics to move patient
Once a Tiger always a Tiger! Alumnus Robbie Lane visited CHS and The Den yesterday. Lane attends East Georgia College and plays shortstop on the school's baseball team. We love catching up with our graduates! #TheDen #weloveourtigers
over 2 years ago, The Den at Claxton High School
counselors and Robbie Lane
Did you know that select courses involving computer coding are now accepted as foreign language credits? CHS and The DEN are proud to offer this opportunity to students who are interested in technology. Featured are Kaelyn Smith and her recent creation. Look at the transformation from code to website. #TheDen #realworld
over 2 years ago, The Den at Claxton High School
Kaelyn Smith
Mrs. Shaul’s 3rd graders celebrated National Day on Writing on October 20! Students collaborated to brainstorm and vote on story elements for a spooky Halloween story. Then, each student wrote and illustrated a different part of the story.
over 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of students writing
image of students writing
image of students writing
image of students writing
Do you love chocolate? Are you looking to purchase holiday gifts ahead of time? Would you like to help support our CES Tigers? CES is selling World’s Finest Chocolates! This fundraiser will help generate funds to help pay for field trips and student rewards. Students were provided with the attached flyer and must return the slip in order to receive a box to sell. For more information, please refer to the graphic or link below, or call CES!
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Chocolate Variety Pack
Claxton Middle School held its annual REACH Scholarship signing ceremony for five exceptional students on Friday, October 21st. Gabriel Trejo-Samano, Miya Herrington, Samantha Estrada Silva, Mareli Poroj-Arroyo, and Gladys Dominguez-Flores will each receive $10,000 when they graduate from Claxton High School in 2027. The scholarship is made possible by the state of Georgia and the Strickland Foundation in Evans County. We are very proud of these students, and we look forward to seeing great things from them in the future! #cmstigers #reachscholars
over 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
ECCSS educators had the wonderful opportunity to participate in externships offered by the Georgia Department of Education’s STEM/STEAM Team. The goal of the externship is to provide educators with rich professional learning to enhance subject expertise and support the development of locally-driven Project Based Learning Units. For the past few days, we've showcased each of our educators and our community partners who helped provide these opportunities to our staff! We have one last round of pics of externships in action and what our educators had to say about their experiences. Please help ECCSS recognize and celebrate LaDetra Calhoun from CES! #PBL #RealLifeLearning #CommunityAndSchoolPartnerships
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Graphic with quotes from externship experience
Daisy/ Nevils Bridge Construction Transportation Update The Daisy/ Nevils Bridge construction project is scheduled to start on Monday, October 24th. It is supposed to run through the end of March. It should only have a minimal impact (5 to 7 minutes) on three ECCSS bus routes. Our ECCSS Transportation Department began planning for this closure last year. If there are unexpected impacts to our transportation due to this (or other causes), we will notify our schools, families, and community.
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Transportation Update Announcement Flyer
Mrs. Shaul's 3rd grade class demonstrated a variety of strategies to solve a multiplication equation. #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
over 2 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of students doing math
image of students doing math
image of students doing math
image of students doing math
We wear pink at CMS in support of our cancer survivors! #cmstigers #pinkout
over 2 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Mrs. Ikner's 6th grade ELA students applied their vocabulary knowledge in a "Question Trail" activity. They collaborated with partners to correctly complete the sentences with the matching vocabulary word to move them along to their next question on the trail. #CMS #Collaboration #ActiveLearningInELA
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Students Working in Collaborative Groups
Students Working in Collaborative Groups
Yay, Tiger fans, band, football players, and cheerleaders! Keep those memories coming, friends! SURVEY LINK- We appreciate the engagement from our school, community, and from afar SO MUCH that we wanted to share a SNEAK PEEK of our Bell Memorial/Pecan Grove commemorative t-shirts we will have available for purchase at the game on 11/4. Our Bell Memorial/Pecan Grove commemorative t-shirts will feature the artwork of CHS's very own, Mrs. Robin Smith! Mrs. Smith teaches art at CHS, and, without a doubt, she's a very talented artist! #BellMemorialPecanGrove #WeLoveOurTigers #OnceATigerAlwaysATiger
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Draft of Artwork for Bell Memorial/Pecan Grove T-shirt
Happy National Day on Writing, everyone! We've had fun showcasing responses from staff, students, community members, and those who love writing from afar on our social media and website! We appreciate everyone who responded, and we are thankful you WROTE to share with us and the WORLD what writing means to you! #nationaldayonwriting #schoolandcommunityconnections #weloveourwriters
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Responses
Here's another round of National Day on Writing fun from Mrs. Phillips, CES Teacher of the Month, and our 2nd grade writers! After students wrote, they used Book Creator technology to publish digital books and share their writing with their classmates! #CES #DigitalLearning #NationalDayOnWriting #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Pics
National Day on Writing Pics
Happy National Day on Writing, everyone! Throughout the day, we will showcase responses from staff, students, community members, and those who love writing from afar on our social media and website! We appreciate everyone who has responded so far, and we welcome additional responses! If you can't join in the survey, please find a writing moment to love today! #nationaldayonwriting #schoolandcommunityconnections #weloveourwriters
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Responses
Check out the National Day on Writing Celebration in our 2nd grade class! Please help us recognize and celebrate Mrs. Phillips, CES Teacher of the Month, and our young writers! #CES #CreativityIsFun #NationalDayOnWriting #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Pictures
National Day on Writing Pictures
National Day on Writing Pictures
Happy National Day on Writing, everyone! Throughout the day, we will showcase responses from staff, students, community members, and those who love writing from afar on our social media and website! We appreciate everyone who has responded so far, and we welcome additional responses! If you can't join in the survey, please find a writing moment to love today! #nationaldayonwriting #schoolandcommunityconnections #weloveourwriters
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Responses
ECCSS educators had the wonderful opportunity to participate in externships offered by the Georgia Department of Education’s STEM/STEAM Team. The goal of the externship is to provide educators with rich professional learning to enhance subject expertise and support the development of locally-driven Project Based Learning Units. Over the next few days, we'd like to showcase each of our educators and our community partners who helped provide these opportunities to our staff! We will share some pics of externships in action and what our educators had to say about their experiences. Please help ECCSS recognize and celebrate Allee Keyfauver, Kelly LaSala, and Lavette Mikell, all from CES! #PBL #RealLifeLearning #CommunityAndSchoolPartnerships
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Externship Photos and Quotes
Happy National Day on Writing, everyone! Throughout the day, we will showcase responses from staff, students, community members, and those who love writing from afar on our social media and website! We appreciate everyone who has responded so far, and we welcome additional responses! If you can't join in the survey, please find a writing moment to love today! #nationaldayonwriting #schoolandcommunityconnections #weloveourwriters
over 2 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
National Day on Writing Responses