After milestones testing, Mrs. Jackson's classes relaxed by creating art using the methods found by Australian Aboriginal peoples.
almost 3 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Aboriginal Art
Aboriginal Art
Aboriginal Art
Aboriginal Art
Evans County Charter School System wants you to be part of our family! Our BOE pays for a $10K life insurance policy for each employee. They also pay for the OneAmerica Employee Assistance Program, which includes three counseling sessions per year per employee/dependent. It also includes confidential counseling, work/life solutions, financial information and resources, guidance resources, and free online will preparations. Here are some other perks for joining our team: FULL Range Competitive Benefits Employee Daycare Program Bright From the Start Pre-K Employee's Children Welcome to Attend Mentoring Program for New Hires Click the link to apply:
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Speech Teacher Needed
Evans County Charter School System wants you to be part of our family! Our BOE pays for a $10K life insurance policy for each employee. They also pay for the OneAmerica Employee Assistance Program, which includes three counseling sessions per year per employee/dependent. It also includes confidential counseling, work/life solutions, financial information and resources, guidance resources, and free online will preparations. Here are some other perks for joining our team: FULL Range Competitive Benefits Employee Daycare Program Bright From the Start Pre-K Employee's Children Welcome to Attend Mentoring Program for New Hires Click the link below for more information on benefits:
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Hiring Math Teacher
Evans County Charter School System wants you to be part of our family! Our BOE pays for a $10K life insurance policy for each employee. They also pay for the OneAmerica Employee Assistance Program, which includes three counseling sessions per year per employee/dependent. It also includes confidential counseling, work/life solutions, financial information and resources, guidance resources, and free online will preparations. Here are some other perks for joining our team: FULL Range Competitive Benefits Employee Daycare Program Bright From the Start Pre-K Employee's Children Welcome to Attend Mentoring Program for New Hires Click the link below for more information on benefits:
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
ELA Teacher
Happy Mother’s Day!
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Happy Mother's Day
Dear Claxton Elementary School Parents/Guardians, The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) testing will be next week! This test helps us determine how much your child has learned this school year. You can help us by making sure your child: ● Gets plenty of rest each night before testing ● Arrives at school every day on time! Testing will begin at 8:15. The tardy bell rings at 8:05. ● Eats a healthy breakfast each morning. Breakfast is also provided at school. ● Has a positive attitude about the test and is dedicated to doing his/her best.
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
GMAS schedule
Claxton Middle School appreciates our School Lunch Staff!! Thank you bunches for serving our lunches!! 🖤💛
almost 3 years ago, Tanita McDowell
CMS Lunch Staff and Mrs. McDowell
Ms. Ola Mae Palmer wearing a thank you note from 8th grade students
School Lunch Hero Day
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
school lunch hero day
Our CMS CTAE and Connections PLC has been working with middle school students to develop 4C skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking). Students who have excelled in these lessons were nominated to be CMS’s first-ever Tiger Trustees! These students will serve as tour guides during the upcoming sixth-grade orientation at CMS! Ms. Morris, one of our CMS counselors, helped the CTAE and Connections PLC host a training session this week. We are proud of our Tiger Trustees, and we know these young leaders will represent CMS well!
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Tiger Trustees
Tiger Trustees  Small Talk
Tiger Trustees -Student Leaders- 4Cs
CMS held a Staff vs. Student Basketball Game today. During halftime, students from each grade were able to participate in fun games. Fun was had by all, and the teachers came out victorious!
almost 3 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Staff Student Basketball Game
Staff Student Basketball Game
Staff Student Basketball Game
Staff Student Basketball Game
Mrs. LaKeisha Welch, a first-year teacher in Claxton High School’s (CHS) Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program, was recognized by First District Regional Educational Service Agency (FDRESA) on Monday, May 2nd, as Evans County Charter School System’s (ECCSS) First-Year Teacher Honoree. Dr. Alex Jordan, a Growing Readers Specialist from FDRESA, presented Mrs. Welch with this special recognition. “This is all about sustainability and encouraging our teachers,” Dr. Jordan shared. “FDRESA wanted to do something special during Teacher Appreciation Week. Teachers are protecting civilization, and we appreciate all you do.” Mrs. Welch, a registered nurse, teaches Introduction to Healthcare Science, Essentials of Healthcare, Nurse Aide Program, and a Tiger Pride segment at CHS. Mrs. Welch shared her gratitude for the award and added, “I feel fortunate to work alongside a supportive group of people at CHS.” Dr. Mizell, CHS Principal, congratulated Mrs. Welch for this recognition and added, “We’re grateful to have someone with Mrs. Welch’s experience leading our students.” First-year teachers meeting the qualifications for the recognition were nominated by each school at ECCSS and by each school district in the FDRESA service area. Mrs. Welch was selected from our ECCSS nominations and is one of 17 area first-year teachers being recognized with this honor.
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Welch- First-Year Teacher Honoree
Our fourth graders love our lunch heroes. The students brought in treats for the ladies and presented them.
almost 3 years ago, Claxton Elementary School
image of students in lunchroom
BOE Board Meeting Monday, May 9, 2022 Public Budget Hearing #2 5:30pm Regular Board Meeting 6:00pm
almost 3 years ago, Evans County School System
Budget Agenda
Board Agenda
Happy School Lunch Hero Day!
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Happy School Lunch Hero Day
Students in Ms. McElveen's class made Kool-Aid pies for their moms for Mother's Day. They also cleaned up their dirty dishes and put them away. #LifeSkills #MomLove
almost 3 years ago, Claxton High School
finished pie
clean up
mix it up
While studying quadrilaterals, Ms. Selph's geometry classes made kites. Specs for a successful kite include- congruent opposite sides, 90 degree diagonals, congruent short sides' angles. The bonus was whether or not it actually flew. This is real life application of math.
almost 3 years ago, Claxton High School
Group 2
CHS held their yearbook distribution & signing for students who pre-purchased yearbooks. Students had snacks, as well as received their yearbooks and had time to sign each other's books. Students who pre-ordered and did not attend can stop by to see Ms. Peacock to pick theirs up.
almost 3 years ago, Claxton High School
Happy kids
Sunday, May 1st was National School Principals Day. CMS & CHS Principals, Mrs. Tanita McDowell and Dr. Paul Mizell, were shown gratitude and appreciation by their faculties and staff members!
almost 3 years ago, Tanita McDowell
Happy National School Principals Day
Happy National School Principals Day
Happy National School Principals Day
ECCSS announced its most recent accreditation by global nonprofit, Cognia ™. This distinction extends ECCSS’s accreditation for five years and designates ECCSS as a district that achieves the Cognia Performance Standards and is committed to ongoing improvement. Read the full media release here:
almost 3 years ago, Evans County Charter School System
Cognia Accreditation
CMS Teachers are "NACHO Average Staff!" We are celebrating our great teachers this week with a Nacho/Taco lunch, cookies, chips, and cake! Thank you teachers, for all you do for our babies at CMS!
almost 3 years ago, Claxton Middle School
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation