Conversation is a part of all of our lives, and students at Claxton High School are learning to strengthen theirs. Specifically, they have studied how to introduce themselves, carry on a conversation, and end the conversation in a positive way. These skills were put to use last week during a Business Mixer, in which students "mixed" with business and community members. Thank you to those individuals who attended and invested in our kids!
On this last day of CTAE Month, the faculty and staff at Claxton High School gathered for an afternoon social. Mr. Bradley Hall provided information about CTAE (Career, Technical and Agricultural Education), and Coach Chris Oglesby presented one of the recently taught employability skills lessons on introducing yourself to others and holding a conversation. The faculty then put the information to work during some social time made complete with refreshments.
THANK YOU to our community readers on Monday. You all are amazing and we appreciate your time and support.
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”
~ Dr. Seuss
BAM!!! Students at CMS never know when the surprise will happen, but one day a month, students who have completed all assignments, have no behavior referrals or ISS, and have no unexcused absences will be rewarded for their success. Today, these students were rewarded with board games, photos, music, and cookie decorating during 4th period. This BAM day was sponsored by our ELA teachers. We want our students to know that hard work pays off. Congratulations!
CES was excited to have students from the CHS Freshman Transition class come to CES and visit the classrooms to read a book for Read Across America week. It's hard to say who enjoyed it more, the older students or the younger ones, but the excitement was seen and felt throughout the school! #CES #CHS #RAAweek #ReadingIsFun
Read Across America Week
Day 1: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Join CES as we celebrate reading and Dr. Seuss!
Ms. Teri McElveen, Special Education teacher, is quite the baker. She shared the history of the King Cake with the Culinary students in Mrs. Hart's class, and with students' help, made this traditional Mardi Gras cake.
As part of their study for Black History Month, Mrs. Hendrix's kindergarten students learned about Mae Jemison in space, learned about and made their own traffic light, invented by Garrett Morgan. They also talked about George Washington Carver who invented many things with peanuts and the class made and enjoyed eating peanut butter! #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
How many apps are on your phone? Did you ever wonder how an app is created? Students in Mr. Sapp's STEM classes learned how to create their own app with the help of the online service, Glide. Glide allows you make mobile apps from Google Spreadsheets. Daniel Rivera and Dustin Hightower from First District RESA taught the students how to start with a base template and how to plug the data into the mobile app from a spreadsheet. They customized their app and published it, and then learned how to add it to their phones or send to others. This is a launch for a mobile development app that students will develop to solve a problem. #ProjectBasedLearning
March Lunch Menus
Congratulations to 2023 Miss CHS- Allie Floyd and her court, as well as 2023 Mr. CHS- Tyson Ortiz and his court. We are blessed with some amazing young people at CHS.
Congratulations to our 2023 Miss CMS, Mila Sapp, and our 2023 Mr. CMS, Braylen Ball and court: 3rd runner-up, Maci Eason; 2nd runner-up, Zorielle Stanley; and 1st runner-up, Ella Massey.
Our 7 Mindset Focus this week is THANK IT FORWARD. One guaranteed way to feel better and become happier is to do something for someone else. One of the best things you can do is to tell someone thank you for who they are and what they have done for you. Telling someone thank you makes the other person feel good and it makes you feel good for telling them! So let someone special know how thankful you are for them this week!
Ms. Hendrix and Ms. Peel’s class learned all about teeth this week. They talked about going to the dentist and how to keep their teeth healthy. In this activity, they learned about different methods to clean the teeth—toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. Then, they brushed “bacteria” off the giant teeth! #CES #ExcellenceLeadershipFamily
Wear your House colors tomorrow to earn points for your house!
CMS yearbooks are still on sale. Get yours while they last! Only 60 copies remain! Cost is $30 and cash and checks (made out to CMS) can be given to the following teachers: 6th grade, Ms. Adams; 7th grader, Mr. Lucas; and 8th grade, Mrs. Stephens.
Please join CES and ECCSS in congratulating our mathletes for their hard work and outstanding sportsmanship at the Regional Mathmania competition in Metter yesterday!
Four of our CES students brought home medals:
Ansley (kindergarten, 2nd place), Liam (3rd grade, 2nd place), Hadassah (4th grade, 2nd place), and Saira (5th grade, 1st place).
Way to go, Tigers! We are so proud of you!
CMS sent another group of wonderful teachers to the Ron Clark Academy on February 23rd and 24th. We can't wait to hear the wonderful things they experienced when we see them on Monday!
Mrs. Cowart, Ms. Miyon and Mrs. Penny's class enjoyed a week learning about how to care for their teeth. The week ended with making hats, enjoying a yummy snack and having special guest from Claxton Smiles. They brought more knowledge and dental care goodies for all of Prek. #CES